Upcoming Events

holy yoga with amy walton in virginia beach, virginia

May Yoga Offerings

Shine Yoga

I feel so blessed and fortunate to teach yoga at Shine Yoga,  2397 Liberty Way, #102, Virginia Beach, VA--a sweet and special studio located across from the historic Princess Anne County Courthouse in Virginia Beach.

Gentle Flow With Meditation on Wednesdays from 9:30-10:45am:
May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

I also teach the first Saturday of the month (May 4) at 10am.

To sign up for these or any of our other classes, go to https://www.shineyogavabeach.com/events/

Holy Yoga at The Cove

Holy Yoga is now EVERY Thursday morning from 10:30-11:45am atThe Cove at Francis Asbury UMC, 1871 N. Great Neck Road, Virginia Beach, VA, from 10-11:15am (Cost: Suggested $10 donation per person):

Dates and Spiritual Focus:

May 2–Women of the New Testament
May 9– The Ten Commandments
May 16– No Holy Yoga (due to travel)
May 23– Prayers of Jesus
May 30–The Prayer of Jabez


Private Yoga and Meditation Sessions

I offer 1.5 hour private yoga and meditation sessions in person and on Zoom  Each session is customized for the individual client, couple, or group and includes a gentle yoga practice (or more than gentle, if you want it!), breath work, centering prayer, and lectio divina meditation.

Lectio divina is an ancient method of meditation on scripture that is absent of any person or theology’s influence, allowing the participant to hear God as He speaks to her individually. Each session can be recorded, at the client’s request, and emailed to her afterwards for future meditation.

Here’s what some have said:

“At first it was hard to slow my mind down enough to hear the scripture!   My mind wondered.  Each time the scripture was read I had to refocus on what detail of that scripture stuck out to me as directed by Amy.  Each word was an opportunity to totally focus on God and quiet my mind enough to just listen and hear God’s direction through His word. Amy helped me to gain control over my emotions and quiet my mind.  My personal walk with Christ is much stronger and I daily choose on purpose to not take any of Christ’s words for granted.”
“I have been able to enjoy several virtual Lectio Divina that Amy has offered.  She has always been thorough in her teaching and dedicated to providing a relaxed devotional experience.  It’s easy to see Amy’s joy and love for others flow from her love of God.”

To reserve your private yoga and meditation session, please click on the link. Once I receive your registration and payment, I will call you within 24 hours to chat with you about your needs and will schedule your session. https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/HZ735883VJCPY


Sacred Spaces

Sometimes you just need a confidential ear to hold space for for you to share your thoughts and to process situations you are navigating in your life. I now offer Sacred Spaces, one-hour conversations where your story can be shared in a 100% confidential space. Sacred Spaces are just that–conversations where we seek God’s voice in gaining wisdom, insight, and direction in life. As a credentialed coach, I often offer thought-provoking questions–much like in traditional coaching–except the conversations aren’t coaching per se.

To schedule your Sacred Space session, click here. You’ll be contacted within 24 hours to set a specific time: https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/HBU56RBKR9VJL