I’m Amy.
And grief has occupied a BIG slice of my life over the past few decades.
I became a widow when my sons were 8 and 3 after my husband and their father was killed at sea, four years following my husband’s near-fatal car accident that cost him his right leg. To say I was turned inside out and upside down is an understatement.
Since that challenging five or six year period of my life, I’ve lost both of my beloved parents, various pets–including my Dalmatian, who was my best friend– and have experienced the losses of friends and a couple of deeply heart-wrenching romantic partings.
I know what it’s like to…
- Hear the voice on the other end of the phone tell you your spouse probably won’t make it through the night
- Watch your spouse fight for their life for weeks, only to lose a body part or worse, die
- Watch a business you helped create completely collapse
- Realize that after an extensive three-day search by land, sea, and air, your spouse would never return in any form, dead or alive
- Watch a parent succumb to dementia, becoming a shell of their former self
- Watch a parent and a beloved pet take their last breaths
- Have a fiancé choose a city over you–without seeking your input– placing three hours between you
- Have a friend your prayed with countless times and tried to always treat with kindness abruptly cut you off for no apparent reason
- Wake up to morning an realize the empty nest had truly arrived
Truly, grief sucks.
Grief can come in many forms: The loss of a loved one by death or parting of ways. The loss of a job, whether through retirement, resigning, or being laid off. The loss of youth, of good health. of friends who move away, of children growing up and moving on… loss and grief are a part of life.
How we deal with and navigate those losses is so important.
As a certified Christian grief and Joy Restoration coach and as a Registered Yoga Teacher (with Yoga Alliance), I address the WHOLE person through my grief coaching. Talking it out is great and effective, but incorporating the body and breath into the healing process is a game changer. Additionally, I hold bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education. My credentials are important, but more important is my heart for helping people heal and GROW through their grief.
Your grief journey is yours. It’s not like mine or anyone else’s, and I honor that. Pull up a chair with me, either in person–if you live in my neck of the woods– or online via FaceTime or Zoom–and let’s talk from the heart. I will listen to you. I will ask you questions to help you process. I will help you turn your mourning into dancing, re-focus your energy and purposes, and get the knotted up grief out of your body.
Contact me at the link below, and let’s start a conversation that leads you to a path of healing!
Schedule Your Free 30-Minute Consultation Now
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
-Helen Keller