On Leaving a Legacy

A Photo of My Mother in Palm Beach in the 1950s With Her Beloved Silver Leaf Bracelet on Top   I recently wrapped up my umpteenth Bible study in the women’s ministry program I so love and in which I co-lead a small group. We studied Priscilla Shirer’s...

Inhaling the Scent of Suffering

Smell is one of the most powerful memory evokers there is. Certain aromas and smells can transport us right back to places and people long ago. Gardenias take me back to my Uncle Louie’s house, reminding me of my family’s somewhat annual visits from...

My First Holy Grounding

Photo Credit: Cindi Oakley Johnson, Mayodan Moravian Church Today is my home church’s homecoming. I say “home church,” because it’s the church I attended my entire childhood and youth and of which I remain an associate member. It provided the...

Can We Please Ditch the Labels?

I loathe labels. Think of all the various labels we’ve placed on people over the years: ADD, ADHD, bipolar, schizophrenic, special needs, disabled… these are just a very minute smattering of tags doctors, educators, and others slap on people to move them...