My First Holy Grounding

Photo Credit: Cindi Oakley Johnson, Mayodan Moravian Church Today is my home church’s homecoming. I say “home church,” because it’s the church I attended my entire childhood and youth and of which I remain an associate member. It provided the...

Let Us Break Bread and More Together!

On Holy Thursday this year, my church’s choir sang one of my most beloved hymns, that African-American spiritual “Let Us Break Bread Together on Our Knees.” Oh, how I love that song! And when I am at mass, literally on my knees with my fellow...

Lessons From My Daddy

A News Clip From Long Ago That Quotes My Sweet Patriotic Father! Today would have been my father’s 98th birthday. He’s been gone six years, and I miss him every single day (not obsessively, but just missing his wisdom and his sage advice) The news clip in...