by Amy Walton | Oct 6, 2024 | Uncategorized
Me on the Appalachian Trail, @ 2015 I’ve had several friends walk the Camino de Santiago in the past year, I’ve enjoyed following their journeys on social media, and everyone who made this pilgrimage had different goals and things they hoped to receive...
by Amy Walton | Oct 22, 2023 | Uncategorized
Photo Credit: Cindi Oakley Johnson, Mayodan Moravian Church Today is my home church’s homecoming. I say “home church,” because it’s the church I attended my entire childhood and youth and of which I remain an associate member. It provided the...
by Amy Walton | Jun 29, 2023 | Uncategorized
When I was a child growing up in he Moravian Church, I thought that the mission field was some foreign land where really brave and selfless Christians ventured to take Bibles and to share the good new of Jesus. The Moravian Church actually spawned the first...
by Amy Walton | Apr 16, 2023 | Uncategorized
On Holy Thursday this year, my church’s choir sang one of my most beloved hymns, that African-American spiritual “Let Us Break Bread Together on Our Knees.” Oh, how I love that song! And when I am at mass, literally on my knees with my fellow...
by Amy Walton | Feb 23, 2023 | Uncategorized
Easter is the most important day of the church year. It’s the day on which our Christian faith hinges. Without the resurrection, we’d all be doomed. As we walk that 40-day journey, we may give up something that will help us create more discipline or be...