A beautiful piece of pottery made by a dear friend.

Happy New Year, my friend!

I was reading earlier today about what researchers call “the fresh start effect,” those times we push a big old reset button at the beginning of a new calendar point, such as the beginning of a new year or month, a birthday, or the beginning of a new school year. Fresh starts…. those times when we seek…. yes, a FRESH START.

That’s what I love about the beginning of a new year. I start to really reflect at year’s end on how I have lived my life that year, what I’ve accomplished and learned, how I could have lived better in certain areas of my life, and where I need to erect boundaries around my time and sometimes even to distance myself from certain people. Fresh starts allow people to begin anew with that exercise program or cleaner eating or dialing back on the bad habits. They also give us green lights to open ourselves to new possibilities, such as career changes, potential partners, and changes in environments.

Here’s the thing, though: We can have a fresh start at any moment of any day. We don’t need a milestone calendar point on which to begin. Want to actually use that gym membership you purchased last year? Get off the sofa and go to the gym today! Want to start eating healthier? Throw out the junk food today! Want to grow deeper in your faith? Sign up for a Bible study group today!

Any second of any day, we can reset.

Think you can’t?

Actually, you CAN!

What changes are you seeking to make in 2022? What fresh start do you desire?

I’m offering two brand new coaching programs to help you with your fresh start! One is a three-part program called Release, Desire, and Create. This three-part program will help you identify and let go of what’s draining you, lay out your intentions and goals for 2022, and create a vision board that really works to help you live the life you want and–this is the important part–the one to which God is calling you. Parts 1 and 2 are private online coaching sessions, and the third session is a group online vision board workshop.

The second program I am offering is It’s My Mission!, a one-hour personal mission statement coaching session (online) that will allow you to create your guide stone and filter for everything in your life. There’s an activity you will do on your own prior to the session to help you determine and write your mission statement. Our one-hour online session will focus on how to use your mission statement to guide you in your life. It’s VERY effective!

It’s a new year, my friend! It’s time for a fresh start in certain areas of your life. We all need fresh starts of some sort. Don’t say you can’t do it. I am here to help, and I have created programs to help you.

Don’t say “no,’ or “I can’t.”

Actually, you can!

Here’s to the year of our Lord 2022.

And here’s to YOU!


Amy Walton is a certified life coach and Christian life coach, writer, and yogini living in coastal Virginia. She loves gigantic RESET buttons she can push for fresh starts in her own life. Connect with her at www.holygrounding.com or via email at amywaltoncoaching@gmail.com.