Can We Please Ditch the Labels?

I loathe labels. Think of all the various labels we’ve placed on people over the years: ADD, ADHD, bipolar, schizophrenic, special needs, disabled… these are just a very minute smattering of tags doctors, educators, and others slap on people to move them...

Desires vs. Needs: What Is God’s Will?

Earlier this week, I finished the 40-day prayer challenge in Mark Batterson’s “Draw the Circle.” This was my third go round with this wonderful book and challenge, and I was bound on this journey with 6 of my dearest friends, whose breakthroughs I...

Abiding in the Vine: Three Questions to Ponder

I don’t do much yard work these days, but occasionally, I love getting out and digging in the dirt, pulling weeds, pruning bushes, and spreading mulch. It’s therapeutic! Sometimes, my ivy spreads too far, and, and I have to rip it from what I call the...